Saturday, September 5, 2015

Back to School = Back to Writing

I can't believe it's that time of year again. My kids are back in school. And not just 2 of them this year. My daughter joins the school age kids leaving me home with my 4 month-old son. Puddin' started school this week. Although she's super excited, I was reluctant to see her go. Even though my house becomes a Toy Story nightmare and my writing often suffers from constant interruptions, I like when my kids are home. Having the 3 of them at school left the house eerily quiet. Especially with the baby taking a nice long nap without having any screaming or fighting to wake him, which I'm sure he appreciated. It'll take some getting used to.

And now that school has begun, I'm hoping to get back into a writing routine. I didn't have much luck with a schedule of any kind this summer. Taking care of my family and a brand new baby took priority over everything else, so although I did scribble some words down every now and again I didn't get much accomplished on any of my major writing projects.

I did manage to get some reading done which was nice. I put a small dent into the massive TBR pile that I have awaiting me. You can see that list on Goodreads. I'll be posting some book reviews in the next few weeks. I'm doing my best to review the books that I read since I know how much authors rely on them to help sell their books. As a former bookseller, I believe I can offer some advice to readers in this area. Plus, I'm thinking about going through my boxes of favorites and writing some reviews for those books as well.

As for my future WIPs, I'm already putting together a few notes and ideas in preparation for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in November. Is anyone else getting ready for NaNo? I skipped last year, but I think I might have a go this year. I have many story ideas in my idea folder, but it's always so tough to pick out which one I want to write next. They all seem to call to me at once!

Here on some links I found with interesting articles about writing schedules:

Do you have any tips on getting back into a writing routine?



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