Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Looking Back at 2017 #IWSG #writerslife

The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day.

The Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

IWSG Asks: As you look back on 2017, with all its successes and failures, if you could backtrack, what would you do differently? 

If I could turn back time and start 2017 over again, I'd like do a lot of things differently. Regarding my writing career, I'd write more. A lot more. In fact, each year that is my New Year's Resolution. 

Write more. 

In reality, my family life tends to get chaotic and my writing often gets pushed aside to deal with all the situations created by my husband and my four children. My kids are involved with Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, bowling, baseball, chorus, band, and craft workshops just to name a few. My calendar is packed with committee meetings, lessons and activities nearly every day of the week. My husband's hobby is collecting hobbies which keeps him busy on his own when he's not working, so I'm left with taking care of everyone, making sure everyone has what they need and gets to where they need to go mostly on my own. Keeping the household running smoothly has become a full-time job, one with no income, benefits or appreciation.

If it sounds like I'm making excuses not to write, I'm definitely not. Somehow, I always manage to squeeze writing time in between all of this. A few minutes here or there, maybe an hour if I'm lucky. I've written 3 stories this year of varying lengths. I've submitted all 3 for publication. I've got one rejection, one acceptance, and one request for a full manuscript this year. Not too bad in my opinion, considering what little time I have. It just gets frustrating knowing that I could do so much more if I had a little help and support. I've tried negotiating with my family for more writing time. That hasn't worked out well. My four kids are still little (between the ages of 2 - 11), so they don't understand how important it is to me, yet. My husband has work and his band and other commitments which doesn't allow time to watch the children or take them to any of their activities so I can write in peace and quiet. I have no other family. Everyone else in my family and my husband's family has either died, moved out of state or has too many health issues to lend a helpful hand with my chaotic life.   

Although, I don't have the kind of family support that other writers might enjoy, I'm stubborn at not giving up and still manage to write...just not as quickly as I'd prefer. I have an immense file and notebooks filled with ideas for stories and book series that I'd just love to get working on. I know the time will come eventually. My children will grow and become more self-sufficient each year. In sixteen years, I might even be able to write for more than an hour a day. I just hope that my readers are patient.         

Keep a weather eye open for Pirates: A Boys Behaving Badly anthology.
Coming in January 2018!

Be sure to visit the other writers in the 

I write sensual paranormal and historical romances. Interested in learning more about my stories? Become a VIP Reader by signing-up for my newsletter where you'll learn about my new book releases, updates on my works-in-progress, writing tips, book reviews, contests, and other fun book-related info!
Happy Writing!



  1. That’s a lot of activities! I’m amazed and super impressed you’ve gotten as much writing done as you have. I hope 2018 helps you find even more time to get things done.

  2. I think you are doing great. Kids grow up and you don't want to look back and wonder when that happened. ;-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  3. Congratulations on your acceptance and mss request! That's quite an achievement with your full family life and I hope you manage to find a way in 2018 to get more writing done.

  4. Family comes first. And it's great that you find time to write between all of that. You did great this year: 3 stories finished, one acceptable and one request for a full. That's more than more of us can hope for. Way to go!

  5. That sounds like a really busy life, but it won't be forever.
    Great job getting so much done!
    Thank you for participating!
    Co-host, IWSG
