Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Can I Quit Writing? #IWSG #writers #writinglife

The first Wednesday of every month is officially 

The Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It's a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

IWSG Asks: What would make you quit writing?

I've tried quitting. It didn't stick.

There are several... several times in the last 20 years when I considered quitting. I work for hours and hours on my manuscripts. And then hours more on marketing, advertising, networking, social media, all the other things besides writing that go into a writing career. Add to that, I'm constantly learning, studying, discovering new tips and tricks to try with writing. Workshops, courses, lessons and how-to books. It is a continuous pursuit of knowledge and one I fear I will never master.

I remember buying groceries at the store when my sons were toddlers. I stood watching the sales clerk ring up my order and thought,  "She's a teenager and is making more money than me. In 1 hour, she makes more money than I do in a full 40 hours of writing."

It was a depressing thought. All the work, the hours of my life that I spend on words that possibly no one will ever read... I couldn't even afford to buy myself a cup of coffee.

On the way home, I told myself I was done.

I quit.

I needed to wake up. Grow up. Stop dreaming. I was a mom now. I needed to be more responsible. I had kids to provide for. I needed to get a real job.

Tomorrow, I was going to fill out an application at the grocery store. Get a job that paid money. I needed money. I had bills to pay, kids to feed, a mortgage.

Writing was clearly not the way to achieve any of that.

And then I thought of the many hours of my life that I spent on learning the craft of writing. The money I spent to go to workshops and conferences. How much knowledge I had gained from that moment when I was 18 and had decided that becoming an author was my choice of career to that moment when I was sitting in my car contemplating quitting.

I've come so far.

It would be a waste of my life if I gave up now. All those years I invested...

What if it took just one more book?

The next book could be my hit. It could be all that sits between me and financial freedom. The one that will help me succeed and accomplish my goals.

Could I take that chance? If I quit, I'd never know.

It took me about a week of not writing before another story idea presented itself, another opportunity to write a book that might touch some reader's heart. That urge to write brought me out of my early writing retirement.

What if Nora Roberts had given up? What about Stephen King? JK Rowling??

Many people know about their success stories. What if they decided writing was too hard and gave up 

We'd never have those beautiful stories to share.

I don't know if I'll ever attain the success of those mega-writing stars, but if there's one person who looks forward to reading my books, my biggest fan who automatically buys everything I publish, some stranger whom I may never meet, then I owe it to that person to keep writing. My writing might change someone's life someday. Touch someone is some life-altering way.

My writing might change my life, too! It might be my life that is changed in some life-altering way.

What would make me quit writing? Nothing. In fact, my thoughts move more along the lines of how can I keep writing when life becomes difficult?

I suffer from depression and anxiety. Writer's block hits. I do my best to prepare myself for those days to help me work through it.

What if I get carpal tunnel or arthritis in my fingers so bad I can't type? Well, then I'll buy dictating software and write while speaking aloud.

What if I go blind? Then I'll buy a brail keyboard.

What if the zombie apocalypse hits? I'll search through broken and abandoned houses until I find pen and paper.

What if aliens abduct me? I'll entertain them with the stories that pop into my brain while they probe me.

Okay, so clearly, I take the what if game too far. But, even if I won a million $$ lottery jackpot, I'd keep writing. Even if I never made another penny from my stories, I'll still continue to write them.

It's a part of me now. 

Writing is like breathing.

Even when I try to quit, that writing part of my brain nags at me until I get back to it.

So, I quit fighting it.

Happy writing!


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  1. Sounds like you've figured out how to write no matter what. I've contemplated quitting at various times too but have always come back to my writing.

  2. Exactly! If you quit, you'll never have any writing achievements. Just don't lose hope.

  3. Tricia, I can't count the hours spent writing and learning how to be a better writer as work.

    Writing is a way of life for me, even though I teach kindergarten full-time, am married, and have three kids to care for.

    I can never imagine stopping will ever be an option for me or for you.

    Thanks for sharing your answer.

