Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Family Members Who Supported and Influenced Me as a Writer #IWSG #Writers



The first Wednesday of every month is officially 

The Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It's a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

IWSG Asks: Is there someone who supported or influenced you that perhaps isn't around anymore? Anyone you miss?

My mother was an avid reader. She always carried a book with her everywhere she went. She greatly influenced my love of reading. 

My mom, Patty, and me.

When I was little, about 8 or 9, I told her about a re-occurring dream I had at night. It was a strange dream involving zombies. Yes, even as a little girl, I was apparently obsessed with the supernatural! lol I gave her such vivid detail of the dream that she said I should write about my dream in a journal. She suggested that maybe, one day, I could turn the dream into a story and write it.

Her suggestion inspired me to create a dream journal where each morning, I'd write as much detail as I could remember from my dreams during the night. I still do this. From several of these dream journals, I've come up with many of my stories.

My mom passed away from leukemia when I was 11 years old, so she never got to see how her suggestion that day had impacted my life. Later, during my late teens when I already knew I wanted to become a published author one day, I stumbled across some of my mother's notebooks. Flipping through them, I found several pages of short stories and story ideas she had written. Apparently, she'd been interested in writing stories, too.

Finding those notebooks and discovering that my mom had dabbled in writing romance fiction made me feel closer to her. It was a bond we shared. Our shared love for writing and reading romance.

Apparently, I am my mother's daughter! 

I miss her, more than anything, and I hope she'd be proud to know that I've pursued my dreams of becoming published and succeeded, as well as becoming a USA Today Bestselling author.

My grandmother, Pat, with me and my daughter.

And while my mother was the one who inspired me to write, my grandmother was the one who supported and encouraged me to continue making my dreams a reality. My grandmother believed I would succeed. She believed in my talent, strength and imagination. There was no doubt in her mind that I would get where I wanted to go with my career one day. Thankfully, she saw my first few books published, but passed away before I became a bestselling author.

I hope she and my mom are watching. I still have many plans. I have further to go in my career, more books to write, more goals to accomplish. Even though they're gone, I still feel like they're supporting me from the other side, and I hope I'm making them proud.

Happy writing!


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I write sensual paranormal, sci-fi and historical romances. Interested in learning more about my stories? Become a VIP Reader by signing-up for my newsletter where you'll learn about my new book releases, updates on my works-in-progress, writing tips, book reviews, contests, and other fun book-related info!

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  1. What a wise and loving mother you had. It sounds like those traits run in your family, and I'm sure you'll pass them on to your daughter, as well. ❤️

  2. I have no doubt they are both very proud of you. ❤️

  3. What lovely memories. I've no doubt they would both be delighted you are still writing. <3

  4. I'm sure they're both very proud of you. And what a wonderful way to honour their memories by continuing to do what you love and be successful at it!
